Price for this luxury villa is on request; please click on SEND INQUIRY button and send us your request by filling the form. We'll get back to you within 48hs with an offer you can accept or refuse at no cost.
Room facilities:(E) = Extra Service, Air Conditioning, Breakfast Service (E), Bus ticket booking, Clean bedsheets and towels, Cuban friends welcome, Domestic telephone landline, Electricity 220V, Fan, Fridge, Gay friendly, Laundry service (E), Meals service (E), Panoramic view, Pre-Payment available, Private bathroom, Safety deposit box, Taxi booking
Bed size:Double king size bed
Bathroom type:Private bathroom
Room facilities:(E) = Extra Service, Air Conditioning, Breakfast Service (E), Bus ticket booking, Clean bedsheets and towels, Cuban friends welcome, Domestic telephone landline, Electricity 220V, Fan, Fridge, Gay friendly, Laundry service (E), Meals service (E), Pre-Payment available, Private bathroom, Safety deposit box, Taxi booking, TV set
Bed size:Double king size bed
Bathroom type:Private bathroom
Room facilities:(E) = Extra Service, Air Conditioning, Breakfast Service (E), Bus ticket booking, Clean bedsheets and towels, Cuban friends welcome, Domestic telephone landline, Electricity 220V, Fan, Fridge, Gay friendly, Meals service (E), Panoramic view, Pre-Payment available, Private bathroom, Safety deposit box, Taxi booking, Terrace
Bed size:Double king size bed
Bathroom type:Private bathroom